Today we have a new fellow rheumatologist and Dr.Shookory who spacialises in Adult MAS as well. Dr.F has left Temple and went to north jersey. He will be missed. The new fellow doctor seems nice and knowledgeable about Still's and how it presents. Lately, Eric has had some headaches and minor chest pains. The headaches appear to be attributed to his sinuses and most likely allergies . He'll continue to be on allergy meds and to try using some Flonase again to see if that helps reduce the headache. As far as the chest pains, the docs advise a chest X-ray just to be safe given the recent past. We have a follow up with Dr.Desai Friday late afternoon and we will be attempting to get a sleep study scheduled again. We had a failed attempt due to the run around the insurance face us last fall.. We follow up with rheumatology in 2 weeks and hope to reduce his Medrol to 2mg at that time. He will also have an injection in his shoulder as well.
Busy day! Waiting for labs then going for our X-ray.
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